After the Flash :: SD Shards is a collaborative and narrative mix series- each month, members of the Global URL Nation contribute to the development of its story, unveiling the mysteries of a cosmic artifact scattered around the globe.
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E06 - Archidi & Disektor

Angelic voice from another plane,
A lullaby from the last Fragment,
Whispering its hidden secrets to make one Whole.
A forgotten Shard, whose depth is infinite.
A last piece from the Guardian,
Who gracefully spread its wings over the skies,
In a brightening Flash.
Listen carefully to its cries,
As they are infused with our souls,
With our scars and our smiles.
It resonates with its siblings.
Soft and overlapping,
A symphony of interconnected notes,
Whispers from many voices.
They vibrate peacefully,
Reverberating shared experiences through space and time.
Celestial Weavers,
Children of the Void,
And we, Eternals,
Fused in eternity.
An harmonious blend of deep, resonating hums and ethereal chimes,
All linked by the Guardian,
A cosmic needle and its sewing thread.
An orchestra eternally revived,
By the one driven by many hammers.
Listen carefully,
As its children open a pathway for a new life.
The dream of a Nation,
Where the Whole thrives,
Where One is all,
Beyond morsels and nightmares.
The Legacy,
Passed down by this floating beast,
The monstrous angel,
The celestial creature.
An heritage of learnings,
Freed from the constraints of fragile bodies.
Transmitted experiences,
At the core of our existence,
Becoming timeless and infinite.
This shard is not just a relic.
It’s a living embodiment of unity,
A testament to the power that once came from the union of many others,
A cosmic harmony echoing a myriad of worlds,
Souls that gathered across all ends of the universe.
Forever they dance with us,
Appeased by our existence,
In the endlessness of the Void.
An eternal dance over burning ashes,
Blinded by strobing Flashes.
A cosmic ball across eras.
What else is there to do?
We dance to exist, to warm ourselves,
In the coldness of the Void.
Our moves twist the flow of time,
Keeping the Whole in motion,
The eternal fuel of life.
Whispers from the Fragments,
Melodic tremors traveling through our limbs,
Piercing hits frantically shaking our carcasses,
Activating each and every bone,
Every joint rotten by the sins of our finitude.
A discharge from the core,
Expanding our flesh,
In a burst of vibrations.
We learned their cadence,
Synchronized to their shifting moods.
One step, and another,
And another, gracefully flowing one into another.
Our arms extend to infinity,
Cuddling endless worlds,
Embracing every creature that is, that was or will be,
Stretching out our hands for them to join this magnificent carousel.
We dance through space and time.
A ballet that shall never stop,
As long the Fragments sing the stories of their makers.
As we drift into eternity,
Our motions adjust and harmonize.
We move as One,
Dissolved into the wholeness of the Void.
Join the circle, my children,
And you will taste eternity,
The bitterness of the blood spilled in horror,
And the sweetness of affection.
Through the Fragments,
Hear our souls,
With all their intricacies,
Their twists and triumphs.
Hear, and sing in return.
Your cries and your charms will resonate forever.
Dance, and teach, and write, and build, and sing again,
And you will be one of us.
Do not be afraid,
As we are not.
Death is above us,
We dream in an endless sleep,
Wrapped in the emptiness of the Void.
My children,
Do not fear what is crumbling,
As love lasts eternally.
:: SHARD_#06
| - Found in : North Africa
| - Aura : resonant, harmonious, infinite
| - Whispers :
(̷ ̷ Archidi ̷)̷
01、011668 - The Age of Spiritual Machines
02、ARCHIDI - ????
03、MORGAN GARRETT - Tearful Life
04、EL MAHDY JR. - Revolt Yourself
06、LAZARO COMUN - sunday
07、MYEN - IMMACULATE (feat. Arigto)
08、3XOJ - Ait Brahim
(̷ ̷ Disektor ̷)̷
09、FIXPOINT x DISEKTOR - Binding problem
10、DISEKTOR - Self-assembly
11、DISEKTOR - Spectral Morphism
12、JIM KIMCHI - Apopneuma Remix
13、WOULG - GAP43
14、LANARK ARTEFAX - Surface Light
15、ZULI - The Horn
16、HEITH - "()*e
| - Reviewed by : GUN
| - Submitted to : LYL RADIO
| - Visuals by : Cocln & m4x1us