After the Flash :: SD Shards is a collaborative and narrative mix series- each month, members of the Global URL Nation contribute to the development of its story, unveiling the mysteries of a cosmic artifact scattered around the globe.
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E05 - dragongirl & RougeHotel

In the horizon, a calm ocean
A flat, loose surface
The fabric of what one would have once called ‘time’.
Above our heads a dark sky.
Heavy clouds filled with sorrow
An electrifying air
Droplets which taste like tears.
Thousands of them, washing our sins
Holding our hands while we turn to dust.
A first impact.
Its ripples travel through this infinite plane
A tilt in perception
A slight shift in what has been holding our reality for so long.
A lullaby
Sang by the Fragment itself.
The needles speed up
A few ticks before doom o’clock.
The Legacy,
What made us Whole.
All the beauty, the softness,
The suffering,
Imprints of the soul that left their mark onto the soil of History.
Passed down through time
Gliding on the waves of its calm ocean.
We the Builders,
Are just a link in this infinite chain.
In the fabric of Time.
Is our creation holding the knife?
Or one of its numerous children?
Does it matter after all,
If the two ends of the worm join?
Uroboros - the wormhole.
The anomaly melts in the geodesic wrinkles
Spreading distorted cadences on its surroundings
Making time slip out of its axis
Drifting away on all planes.
Every 100th summer
When the Blood Moon rises
A Guardian close by
Circling around our astral body.
Sing to it,
And it will burn like a thousand sun
Spreading its wings back onto the land.
Our time may come soon
But one day we shall dance again.
Above the ashes of this rotten flesh
Our feet shall plow the fertile ground.
Bones turned to stones.
Stones turned to stardust.
Stardust turned to life.
But first
There is to be done.
Everything that was,
Everything that is,
And what could be.
From our humble perspective
A source to tap into
Learnings from our mistakes
The wrong steps that made us fall.
A comforting path that veered off course
A chaotic dance with the devil
That eluded any semblance of Euclidean order.
A last hope for our existence to be remembered.
An eternal archive.
Beauty that once was
Smiles that warmed our mornings
The embraces
The little things that kept us going through.
A sunrise wrapped in one’s arms.
It is said History repeats itself.
Monsters knock at the door once again
To spill the blood and shed the tears of our fragile bodies.
What once dies shall be born again
Our legacy will breed anew a semblance of humanity and die with it.
Again, until the next one
And the one after it.
Community as the backbone of fulfillment.
Storm after storm
Bathed in chaos
We get back up
We reunite, and dream again.
The engine of life
Fuelled by our innocence.
The clock chimes.
With a loud ting, it rang the hour.
Its echoes shake this peaceful plane
A breech in time
The brightness of the Flash
As the source of its existence
A necessary toll
To leave our astral body
A paradox we cannot comprehend
Beyond the capacity of our mind
And yet
Time was never granted
A shattering
A fiction to maintain order
To hold control.
Breaking the clock to come out of the darkness
To wake up from the Void.
The aeons have gone havoc
Escaping their synthetic shape
Into a formless substance.
Headed all ways,
Past and future,
Now and then,
Splitting into a thousand nodes.
Its divergence may in fact be impossible to track.
The pendulum
It swings, and swings again.
Time is sinking, the leaks can’t be obstructed no more.
Past and future,
All blending in one.
No present,
Unlimited flowing.
Stranded in an infinite, empty plaza.
Flooding the memories
All archives melted
History as a giant navigable pool.
The annihilation of time
Or is it the time of annihilation?
An enveloping Void,
Consuming our souls.
But maybe it was there all along.
The sun sets to leave room for the night.
A dark and cold night
From which we’ll rise again.
A deafening silence.
The comfort of emptiness
Lost in orbit
Freed from the constraints of time.
An eternal vessel
That shall come back in proper times.
Glide through infinity, my child
As you are with the Eternals.
We will wait for you
Comforted by the warmth of our tears.
:: SHARD_#05
| - Found in : Northern Europe
| - Aura : parasitic, asynchronous, divergent
| - Whispers :
(̷ ̷ dragongirl ̷)̷
01、DRAGONGIRL - drag me to hell (unreleased)
02、DRAGONGIRL - chiroptera
03、DRAGONGIRL - (unreleased)
04、DRAGONGIRL - in love and undeath
05、DRAGONGIRL - drama at the nail salon
06、DRAGONGIRL - isolde’s greatest hit
07、DRAGONGIRL x COURTESY x DJ ENCORE - i see right through to monster prom
08、DRAGONGIRL - isolde’s greatest hit (Lyra Valenza remix)
09、DRAGONGIRL - (unreleased)
(̷ ̷ RougeHotel ̷)̷
10、S280F - 05 9M (VVXXII)
11、HEITH - "<>*e
12、DIDA - Jagershof
13、EARTHEATER - Chop Suey
15、A-PAR - Conquer
18、NATHANASHERMAN + SV1 - Stereo Microscope
19、NOTINBED - trickshot 2
20、ARCA - Fireprayer (Blood of Aza Remix)
+ add. sounddesign by RougeHotel
| - Reviewed by : GUN
| - Submitted to : LYL RADIO
| - Visuals by : 1.5L