14-track compilation
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Scores +°- glyphs to sounds !
Scores is a compilation exploring musical notations and how they can be interpreted as sounds. People have always tried to translate sonic expressions into visual cues that could be archived, passed down, and transformed back into music.
From symbols to numbers, grids, staffs, figures or abstract shapes, several languages have been developed and continuously questioned to improve the ability to retain the emotion and meaning sounds can convey - what lies behind the veil.
What if this time, the notation would come beforehand?
The project unfolded in two phases. In the first one, visual artists from the Global URL Nation could propose one sheet of music score, free of interpretation. They were invited to play with musical notations and explore what it would even mean.
It welcomed chaggrin, Eurrope, M4X1US, MYEN, s1m0nc3ll0 & Ziyiz for 6 sheets
In the second phase, artists from GUN could pick one sheet and create a track trying to follow it as much as possible. It invited them to question music as a physical object, with its shapes, colors, textures and layers with the following :
__How is the overall composition? Are there any axis or lines that could be interpreted as a timeline or a melodic scale?
__How many discrete elements are in the image? How are they laid out?
__What are the shapes involved? What is their scale? Do they have sharp or blurry outlines?
__What are the colors/textures used? How do they relate with each other in terms of tones, contrasts…?
__How are the different elements layered on top of each other? Are they superimposed or do they merge in some way?
__How would they translate them in musical terms, such as textures, notes, structures, timbres, rhythms, dynamics?
It welcomed Bademjan, Baje Nunca, C+Vis, Capiuz, Clair X, C.T.A.A.M. Ecovoron, Epiphagi, HeedLess, Mambo Kahn, migu, POL100, Yau Hei ASJ & Ziyiz for 14 tracks ranging from ethereal scorescapes to hyperstimulating scratches. Sounds and shapes weave together, blurring the boundaries between the two media to create one whole entity
With Scores, we invite you to seek the music that can be hidden in our surroundings, to decrypt and hear the phantom scores one can find in every shape, every color and every little visual detail __ open your ears and see the sounds, sometimes music lies in a simple fold of clothing
Music sheets created by chaggrin, Eurrope, M4X1US, MYEN, s1m0nc3ll0 & Ziyiz.
Tracks produced by Bademjan, Baje Nunca, C+Vis, Capiuz, Clair X, C.T.A.A.M. Ecovoron, Epiphagi, HeedLess, Mambo Kahn, migu, POL100, Yau Hei ASJ & Ziyiz.
Common cover by Griigg
Mastering by Ioannis Nafpliotis
Bad Tips